Sydney and Olivia's latest craze....Harumika. Basically, you create fashions with different kinds of fabric by stuffing it in the back. Awesome!
Olivia writes me darling notes like this

Georgia has caught on to "dress ups" (I know, already?) and her and Olivia have a ball

Since the weather is teasing us with spring, every time we can, we go outside.
Georgia has caught on to "dress ups" (I know, already?) and her and Olivia have a ball
Since the weather is teasing us with spring, every time we can, we go outside.
Sydney is excited for competition soccer tryouts coming up, her ballet performance of The Wizard of Oz (She's "Fire") and ever since she watched "JAWS" at a sleepover she's been asking to rent "JAWS 2".
Olivia just turned 6, has lost 7 teeth already! wants to practice the monkey bars at the park everyday. Excited to be a munchkin in Wizard of Oz performance.
Georgia is talking a lot! new words include: Thank you, I'm scared, bath, house, candy, bunny. No means yes and no. Cries the saddest cry when she hears soft music, loves to be silly, has to take softee and "Dinky" (binky) everywhere she goes.
Me, I'm training for "Running with Angels" in June...only a 5K, but for me, I need to train for that. Kindermusik is so much fun and I love teaching the moms and babies! Pretty much disappointed in American Idol, but loving GLEE!!!....thinking of auditioning (yea right, I wish) and lately I've been feeling antsy to do something creative. Any ideas??